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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Great Pumpkin Patch

The Great Pumpkin Patch is located in Central IL, just a bit outside of Arthur. I have been going there since I was about 8 years old. In the past decade, it has become more popular, and I am so happy for the family that runs it. Martha Stewart has featured them on her show, and visitors from all over the world now have visited this magical little place. My Mom and I took the kiddos last week and it was so much fun. We were blessed with a warm sunny day. They have added more mazes and displays this year, and I am so impressed with how much care and attention to detail the family makes each and every fall season. There is a snack shop (hello cider slushies), gift shop, and delicious bakery. If you are ever able to visit, you most definitely should. There are lots of Amish stores around the area too. Arcola (just a few miles east) has a cute main street with shops, an amazing restaurant- The Dutch Kitchen (try the homemade cinnamon rolls!!), and a Raggedy Ann and Andy museum. I love going down there every year, its a family tradition that I wouldn't ever want to change. :)

On to the pictures! These were all taken and edited by me. Please do not use without permission. As always, you can click on the images to expand.

Hope you enjoyed!
Do you think you'd visit if you had a chance?

Have a great day!
xo, Jenna


akenney said...

Oh my, the crates with pumpkins and gourds in them! So lovely!

Jenna said...

I'm responding super late to this (sorry!) but YES- that place is lovely all around. I do not mind going year after year, they are always changing things up. I LOVE IT! :) Thanks for commenting!