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Thursday, May 10, 2012

It's the little things...

Like sitting on the docks at the lake.

Happy Thursday!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

It's the little things...

Like watching my kiddos be silly together.

Happy Thursday!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

So proud.

My dear sweet talented husband has teamed up
with a friend, and a few others, to launch:

From the website:
THREESIXTEES exists to connect people
who have a passion to turn the world around
with charities that already are.
And we do it with t-shirts.
Each shirt radically transforms someone's life.
It provides them with clean water.
More food.
Better health.
New shoes.
Fresh trees.
Or school books.
None of us can change the entire world by ourselves.
But each of us can change at least one person in it.
Whose life are you going to change today?

THREESIXTEES - Where heart meets sleeve.
My husband Barry has many designs featured on the tees.
Here are some I LOVE:

I'm so excited and proud!!
Happy Happy Sunday!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday Finds

I've seen some super cute stuff floating around the old internet this week.

I'm itching to make some things, like this:

A bike bag- SO CUTE! Found on Elycia's blog.
Oh wait, that means I have to actually buy a bike first..
Man I need a bike. I haven't owned one since I was 12!

and this:

Salted Caramel Iced Coffee - Found on Food Coma.
YUM. Emma gave a tip for an easy way to cold brew coffee,
I REALLY want a french press so I can try it!! Click over to find out more :)

I also REALLY want one of these for Mother's Day.

(Like, really really really want!)
Farmer's Market Basket, in yellow. All the colors are so pretty though!
From Anthropologie. Ahh that store is just awesome.

and this would be fantastic to receive too:

Brownstones Tea Towel in Yellow by Claudia Pearson.
I usually gravitate towards green for my kitchen, but
lately I'm LOVING yellow! :)

A short but sweet list today.

Have a wonderful day and weekend!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

It's the little things...

Like watching my little family enjoying the outdoors.

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Zany Zoo

Have you read that book, 1 Zany Zoo? My kids LOVE that book. My husband does an awesome voice for the zookeeper. Chances are, you probably haven't read it- I think it was a free in a box of Cheerios (that got passed down to us from a cousin- Thanks Aunt Julie!).. But still. Very cute. I had been wanting to take my kids to the zoo for what seems like FOREVER. Finally, FINALLY(!) we were able to go this year. We went on Barry's spring break. Nope, he's not in school, he works for a University. :)

Anywho, we all had a lot of fun, despite the weather being HOT, especially for springtime here in the good old Midwest.. But you know how wacky our weather has been this winter/spring, I'm sure. 

On to the pictures!! (In just a second..) Because- Ohmygoodness. My husband pet a shark. Yes that happened, and YES I was wayyy too chicken to do it. I had to document proof for that one!

The penguins were my absolute FAVORITE part of the trip. We spent a really good amount of time watching them dive and swim and jump out of the water. We were laughing so loud at them. They were just awesome! My daughter said "Wow" twice. Once, to the penguins. Another time, to the bats. I couldn't get a good picture of them, but there was an enormous bunch- they looked like a bunch of bananas!- all hanging upside down from the ceiling cuddling and sleeping together. They were actually kind of cute. (Never thought I'd say that about bats!)

And oh man. Lions. They are SO FREAKING LAZY!! We read that they sleep and/or rest about 20-22 hours a day. I never knew that before, but hey- you learn something new everyday. :)

Anyway, we all had a ton of fun at the Indianapolis Zoo, and if you have the chance to go- it is a great time. I even went there on my bday with my hubby before we were married. We saw a lot of younger people and couples with no kids this time around. :) Reminded me of us.

Have a great day! Thanks for letting me share.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Coming to terms

Very recently I've had to come to terms with some hard things. First of all, I have come to realize how idealistic I can be. Its been rough coming to this realization, but I'm glad I have. I've been trying to control EVERYTHING in my life, and I finally get it.. I can't. I was so so so against public school, for a lot of reasons, but am coming to terms with the fact that it is probably where my son will end up going in the fall. He needs speech therapy, we can't afford private school, I can't homeschool him with 2 other children (under 2 years old!) who need me. So. There it is. As hard as it has been. I've realized how worried I am that he won't pay attention in class, he'll have trouble learning and interacting, that he'll fall behind. I have to give all of these things to God. I've had to already, and will continue to have to do it. I worry A WHOLE FREAKING LOT. Its not too fun.

Oh, and I also gave up being a vegetarian. The reason? I craved meat when I first got pregnant. That had never happened to me before. My Mom said something along the lines of, there's probably a reason why you're craving it- you probably need it. I thought, "Ya know, she's probably right." So. I started eating meat again. I still eat vegetarian meals, I did the other night actually- black bean quesadillas- and it was so good! And every time I go to Jimmy Johns or Subway, I get a veggie sandwich. I think they're so very tasty. But I'm not gonna be a freak-out and uppity about what I eat anymore. Its so stupid, that's what I used to do. (How lame.) I'm not saying everyone who is a vegetarian is this way- I'm saying that I used to be this way. So I'm done with that. Moving on, thank you. :)

I'm going to be 27 in a few months, and I'm so happy to be growing up, learning more about life and myself, etc. It feels freeing. I'm not saying I'm anywhere near "wise" because I'm not. Not one bit. I have a WHOLE lot to learn. Life is a great big learning lesson. And I'm excited about that. I just wanted to share that bit of my life lately, because it feels freeing to JUST LET GO. Let go of the worry and control, let go and breathe. I have such peace in the Lord, and I am forever thankful to Him. :)

Have a great great day.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

It's been awhile!

WOW I haven't blogged in forever and a day! I want to do a better job of this, because I like to look back on posts and memories. :) I guess a lot has been going on! I'm coming up on being 7 months pregnant with our third child, a girl, and still have been homeschooling my son for his preschool year. That has kept me insanely busy. We've been updating our home, partially to prepare for the new baby, and I've been a busy bee painting rooms! It's been really fun.

I'm also really excited because Artists Against AIDS is this next week! I did it last year, sold one of my wall art pieces -which I forgot to take a picture of, oops- and was really happy to be part of an organization that reaches out to those with HIV. I wanted to share the new pieces I made specifically for the show this year.

This one is called "All You Need", machine stitched thread on fabric.

"Watch the World", machine and hand-stitched thread on fabric.

"Love Abounds", machine stitched fabric hearts.

These were all so fun to do, and a change of pace from what I have been making lately. I've been selling a whole lot of dish cloths in the shop this year. They are fun to make and people (er, women) really seem to like them. :) And its awesome! But making these were a breath of fresh air. I felt really inspired while making them, and coming up with new ideas. ----> So woo hoo to new ideas and art!

Hope you have a lovely week, I'll try to be back before another 4 months!

God bless! :)